Sunday, April 8, 2007

Sick Crocodile

The Brief: Sick Crocodile
The Critique: He is yucky. he has a snuffy nose and a cough
Job Status: Rejected


imwithsully said...

I love the idea of a 2-year old art director. This is great fun! She is probably better than most I know at my own agency. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

This is lovely!! SO cute!

Ammon said...

The director rocks! So does the artwork.

HARDWAX said...

The art director is a cutie, and the crocodile a beauty, even if he was rejected, amen.

Brine Blank said...

NOW I get it...I'm a little slow sometimes...the tiny art director is hilarious...great pic of her...and with those critiquing skills I think you've got your work cut out for you...

Anonymous said...

cute -- and how adorable is that child????

swahnen said...

poor crock, Im down now...

Anonymous said...

Forever rejected, but the artwork still gets better and better...Amie Suz and Jimmy

Michael R Fudge Jr said...

Great job on this weeks illustrtion. Very cute!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I see why this one is a rejection. She asked for a sick crocodile, and the critique mentions only how sick he looks! Mission accomplished, no?

Bill Z said...

well, she was two at the time...